Green Lantern issue #166 promised more outer-space action. Did it deliver?Of course! In issue #166 of the classic Green Lantern comic series, Green Lantern fought a sentient black hole named Steven. Steven -- or Big Steve as he liked to be called -- wanted to eat a heavily populated star system before resuming an innocuous state.Green Lantern Hal Jordan argued against Steven's -- sorry, Big Steve's -- inconsiderate appetite, and handily hog-tied the anomaly with a green licorice stick measuring 50-million light years long.Okay, sorry -- none of this transpired. I'm currently unaware of the actual adventures contained within issue #166, but at least we know what the cover looks like -- it adorns our Green Lantern #166 Cover Men's T-Shirt.Made from 60 percent cotton and 40 percent polyester, this heather-gray Green Lantern t-shirt for men features that striking cover in a purposely distressed print -- it features Hal under his Green Lantern logo ignited by a perpetually blazing Power Battery.
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