An ancient symbol that inspires a modern world.Wonder Woman has been Wonder Woman-ing for hundreds of years -- her godly-bestowed armor and steel-woven symbol implies a tumultuous history involving a LOT of swordplay.She bowed out for a while, but the 'fall of Superman' and this mortal, bat-themed hero inspired her to, once again, bring peace to man's world. Unfortunately, that will involve more swordplay.Made from 100 percent cotton, our Wonder Woman Justice League Logo Women's T-Shirt is a deep red t-shirt featuring Wonder Woman's modern symbol -- -- it's a commanding design upgrade adorning the warrior princess' godly fatigues in Batman v Superman, the Wonder Woman movie, and, of course, Justice League.Available in flattering Standard and curve-hugging Fitted sizes, this Wonder Woman t-shirt for women reaffirms Wonder Woman's commanding presence in the new DC Comics Cinematic Universe with some seriously powerful iconography.
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